Video Study Guide: Earth Revealed
Episode 8: Earth’s Structures

Read the questions first. Then answer them while watching this episode of "Earth Revealed". If you miss it in class you are still responsible for the viewing this segment and answering the questions. The video is available online at . The index for these programs is online at . If you do not have an internet connection at home, view it after school or during study hall in the media center. Each segment is 30 minutes long.

  1. What causes the forces which shape the earth's landscape?
  2. Discuss the development of sedimentary layering.
  3. How is the principal of Original Horizontality used to decipher earth history?
  4. What is an outcrop?
  5. What is a geologic cross-section?
  6. What are the 3 main categories of geologic structures?
  7. What causes rocks to fold?
  8. Describe anticlines and synclines. Diagrams would help.
  9. What causes rocks to fracture instead of fold?
  10. Describe the difference between dip-slip, strike-slip, and oblique-slip faults.
  11. Describe normal, reverse, and thrust faults. Diagrams would help.
  12. Discuss compressional and tensional stresses.
  13. What is the difference between plastic strain and elastic strain?
  14. What happens if the elastic limit is exceeded?
  15. What types of stresses are involved with what types of faults?
  16. What is an unconformity and how do they form?
  17. What is a nonconformity,? Why do they represent the greatest lapse in time?
  18. Why is folding especially important to economic geology?
  19. How are gas, oil, and water trapped by earth structures?
  20. How does the study of structural geology relate to our modern society?